Developer concept 应用

Castle Homeland Fire Wild 1.0
Would you like to join the castle to start theexciting homeland adventure in world? GO.Homeland Castle Fire wild is going on a new wild adventure and heneed your help!1.Just tap the screen to let the boy jump.2.Collect stars as many as you can,do not fall off thepoints.3.Run to the end of the game to pass the level.**Game Features -# Multiple jungle Levels# Bullet firing capability# Amazing HD High quality graphicsEnjoy the jungle fire Run game & do leave a feedback that willhelp us improve...!
Empire Marvel Frozen Kings 1.0
Flying super penguin games is the bestapplication for penguin jump Slide down the mountains ofAntarcticaAs the super penguin you have to fight with the super octopusthe penguins are known for their agilityJoin the penguin club and be the best super flying penguin!!
Exercices Quotidiens 90 jours 1.0
Bienvenue à Bodybuilding appExercicesQuotidiens 60 JoursNe perdez pas votre temps et suivez le meilleur programmedeformateur entraînement de musculation.Une nouvelle année commence et le moment est venu de prendreunebonne résolution ! Pourquoi pas se remettre au sport ?Mais encore faut-il trouver une activité qui vous motive etrépondeà vos envies.Pour repartir du bon pied et rester en pleine forme, découvrezviteles nouveautés fitness que vous allez adorer surnotreapplication!Dans cette application, vous trouverez toutes les séancesdesexercices et des routines de powerlifting pourobtenir muscles maximum et obtiendrez la perte de abs depoids,retour incroyable, des séances d'entraînement pour lapoitrine,haltère pourles biceps, triceps, et l'avant-bras exercice, séanced'entraînementimpressionnant de jambe, des séances d'entraînementde bout à bout,les épaules séance d'entraînement, les fessiers, les mollets,lesséances d'entraînement des exercices pour les cuisses, lesséancesd'entraînementde la cuisse intérieure et des exercices de l'écart delacuisse.Vous obtiendrez musculaire et un corps en forme est un rêvedechaque bodybuilder.Il suffit de suivre nos exercices d'entraînement etvousobtiendrez le meilleur corps avec desdescriptionsdétaillées,des animations et un assortiment de séances d'entraînementNe pas oublier de noter cette appMerci.
beetle game 2015 1.0
beetle game is an easy cool game to play?The Spring beetle eater edible items and avoid bad items byrollingon the front. Forward is controlled by tilting the device totheleftor right.The forward speed is decreasing gradually.Then itispossible to increase the release rate of the gas beetle
Drive Car Game Traffic 1.2
Would you like to join Drive Car GameLightningto start the crazy game traffic adventure in race tracks?GO.The car games are going on a many of Roads adventure in the cityandhe need your help!Live life a quarter mile every moment as you take on thestreetswith the # 1 3D racing gameStunning high definition graphics with mind-blowing gameplaygivingyou the adrenaline rush with every game.**Game Features -# High Definition 3D Graphics cars.# Free to play speed games.# Real Engine Sound and gas pumping effects# Simple, yet Engaging Game play!# Race against Time and break your own Record##Join the most exciting race!The game with HD graphics!
Christmas Game Ball Free 1.0
Would you like to join Christmas Game BallFreeto start the exciting game adventure in blizzard oftriangles?GO.The the small ball is going on a new Road adventure and he needyourhelp!1.Just tap the screen to let the ball jump.3.Run to the end of the road to pass the level.**Game Features -# Play a super fun game Skippy ball!# Beautiful graphics and smooth!# Ball has a Neon trail!# Fly to pieces after touching the spikes!# Lightning fast controls!# Challenges and compete with friends!# Share your succes with friends on social media!Join the most exciting race!The game with HD graphics!
Horse Avenue 1.0
Would you like to join the Horse Avenuetostart the exciting game adventure in road? GO.1.Just tap the screen to let the horses jump.2.Collect point as many as you can,do not fall offtheobstacle.3.Run to the end of the roads to pass the level.**Game Features -# Multiple swag Levels# Bullet firing capability# Amazing HD High quality graphicsEnjoy the jungle fire Run game & do leave a feedback thatwillhelp us improve...!
Kids Summer Train your brain 1.0
Are you ready to challenge your memorydailyeducation with match cardTHE FUNCTIONS IS:- Find the different pairs of cards.- 4 themes: Fruits, Guy Cartoon, Sports and ... Foods!- 5 different difficulty levels.- The grid adjusts automatically to your device.- brain games are so much fun like memory games.A free game for kids
Ski Tilt Snow 1.0
Would you like to join the Ski snow wintertostart the exciting game adventure in mountain? GO.Ski MAn is going on a new Road adventure and he needyourhelp!1.Just tap the screen to let the monster man jump.2.Collect points as many as you can,do not fall off thefrontierobstacle.**Game Features -# Multiple function levels Levels# Amazing HD High quality graphicsEnjoy the Ski snow winter game !
Epic Fireball Break 1.0
Would you like to join the Fireball EpicBreakto start the exciting birds adventure in rush cat? GO.The cartoon goat birds is going on a new quest adventure and heneedyour help infinity!1.Just tap the screen to let the artoon goat birds jump.2.Collect fireball stars as many as you can,do not fall offthecat.3.Run to the end of the world to pass the level.**Game Features -# Multiple link Levels.# Amazing HD High quality graphics.Enjoy the fireball epic break & do leave a feedback thatwillhelp us improve...!
أدعية و أذكار بدون أنترنيت 1.0
هذا التطبيق ( أدعية و أذكار بدون أنترنيت)يحتوي على الأدعية والأذكار من القرآن والسنة التييحتاجهاالمسلم.كثير منا يغفل عن أسرار ذكر الله، والله تعالى يقول:)الَّذِينَآَمَنُوا وَتَطْمَئِنُّ قُلُوبُهُمْ بِذِكْرِ اللَّهِ أَلَابِذِكْرِاللَّهِ تَطْمَئِنُّ الْقُلُوبُ( ]الرعد :28[.فقد ربط الله تعالى بين اطمئنان القلب واستقرار عمله وبين ذكرالله،فما هي العلاقة؟إن معظم أمراض العصر تتعلق بالقلب لأنه العضو الأكثر تعرضاًللإجهاداتوبخاصة أننا نعيش في عصر التكنولوجيا الرقمية، ولذلك معظمالأبحاثالعلمية تسعى لتنظيم عمل القلب واستقرار عمله.. ولكن هذهالأبحاث تجريبعيداً عن تعاليم الإسلام وبالتالي لا تحصد أي نتائجتذكر!السر الذي نريد أن نتعرف عليه هو أن ذكر الله تعالى بأكبر عدد ممكنمنالمرات يمنحك راحة نفسية وطمأنينة.- في هذا التطبيق يمكنم ان تجدوا ما يلي :أذكار الصباحأذكار المساءأذكار عظيمة الأجر والنفعأذكار دخول وخروج المنزلأذكار عند سماع الآذانأذكار عند سماع الآذانأذكار المسجدأذكار دخول وخروج الخلاءأذكار الصلاةأذكار بعد السلام من الصلاة المفروضةأذكار الوضوءأذكار النوم والأحلامأذكار الإستيقاظ من النومأذكار الطعام والشراب والضيفأذكار الحج والعمرةأدعية النَّبِيِّ صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَأذكار أخرىالْأدْعِيَةُ القرآنيةدُعَاءُ خَتْمِ القُرْآنِ الكَريمِ- يمكن ايضا الحصوا على البرنامج باستعمال لغات اجنبية وذلك عن طريقمايلي :douaadouaa moustajabad3iya diniyaad3iya islamiyaad3iya wa adkardo3aa gratuit- المرجو منك أخي وأختي الكريمة مساعدتنا على نشر التطبيق ليصللأكبرعدد ممكن من المستخدمين حتى يستفيد الجميع من التطبيق فهو مجانيولنيكلفك شيئا.لا تنسوا أن تشاركوا تطبيق مع أصدقائكم وإضافة تعليقاتكم لأنهاتهمناوستساعدنا في تطوير التطبيق.بارك الله فيكموالسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاتةThis application(Prayersand Remembrance without access to the Internet) containprayers andsupplications from the Qur'an and Sunnah that a Muslimneeds.Many of us lose sight of the secrets of Allah, God Almightysays:)those who believe and whose hearts the remembrance of Allahnot theremembrance of Allah do hearts find rest ([Thunder:28]. Has been linked to God between contentment heart andthestability of his work and the mention of God, what istherelationship?Most age-related illnesses heart because it is the most exposedtothe strains of the organ and especially that we live in the ageofdigital technology, so most of the scientific research seekstoregulate the work of the heart and the stability of his work ..butthis research taking place away from the teachings of Islamandtherefore do not reap any results remember!The secret that we want to learn about it is that the mention ofGodthe greatest possible number of times gives youpsychologicalcomfort and tranquility.- In this application Amcnam that you will findthefollowing:Citation for morningEvening prayersGreat wage and benefit RemembranceRemembrance entry and exit of the houseRemembrance when you hear the earsRemembrance when you hear the earsRemembrance mosqueRemembrance entry and exit of the washroomRemembrance PrayerRemembrance of peace after the obligatory prayersRemembrance ablutionRemembrance sleep and dreamsRemembrance waking upRemembrance of food and drink and the guestRemembrance of Hajj and UmrahPrayers Prophet, peace be upon himOther RemembranceKoranic prayersDuaa Koran- Can also Alhsoa program on the use of foreign languages​​throughthe following:douaadouaa moustajabad3iya diniyaad3iya islamiyaad3iya wa adkardo3aa gratuit- Please it to my brother and sister precious help us spreadtheapplication to reach the largest possible number of users sothateveryone takes advantage of the application is free and willnotcost you anything.Do not forget that they shared the application with your friendsandadd your comments because it is important to us and will helpus todevelop the application.God bless you.Peace, mercy and blessings of God
وصفات للبشرة بدون أنترنت 2016 2.0
تطبيق وصفات للبشره بدون انترنت طبيعية يشملمعظمالوصفات المستعملة والمجربة بين أخصائيي التجميلإذا كنت تطمحين إلى البشرة الصافية النضرة الخالية من العيوب،حيثإنّها تعتبر من مقومات الجمال والتألّق، تختلف مقاييس العنايةبالبشرةمن سيدّة لأخرى وذلك حسب حاجتها لذلك، فالعناية تكون على حسبنوعالبشرة لأنّ كل منها تحتاج لمستحضرات خاصة للعناية، وفي هذاالتظبيقسوف نتعرف عن كيفية العناية بالبشرة بشكل يومي لتجنب تعرضهالأي منالمشكلات التي تواجه العديد من الأشخاص.افضل خلطات لتبييض البشرة..مجاني وبالغةالعربية..تجاعيدالوجه..العناية بالبشرة الجافة..العناية بالبشرةالدهنية..و ايضا وصفات طبيعية مجرب للوجه والشعر يمكن تحضيرها في المنزلبسهولةتامة , لهذا ننصح دائما بالخلطات الطبيعية الخالية من أي مكونكيميائيلكي لا تضر بشرتك و ماسكات بالخضراواتباختصار هذا التطبيق هو كل ما تحتاجين للعناية بجمالك.- وصفات طبيعية لتبييض البشرة- wasafat tajmil وصفات التجميل- وصفات تبييض الوجه طبيعيا- وصفات الدكتور جمال الصقلي- وصفات طبيعية لازالة حب الشباب- wasafat maghribia sahla sans net- وصفات طبيعية للوجه مغربية- العناية بالبشرة الدهنيةApplication recipesforInternet ravenously without natural cover most of the recipesusedand proven between cosmetic specialistsIf you Ttmahan to net skinned succulent flawless, as it is oneofthe elements of beauty and glamor, care standards vary Skin ofOurLady of the other, according to their need for it, attentiongivento be by the skin type because all of them need to cosmeticsforspecial attention, and in this Altzbaiq will learn how aboutskincare on a daily basis to avoid exposure to any of theproblemsfaced by many people.Mixtures for best whitening Alepeshrh..mjana and veryArabah..tjaaidAluge..annaah Skin Gavh..annaah fatty skin ..And also recipes tested natural facial hair can be prepared athomequite easily, because this always recommend natural Balkhaltatfreeof any chemical component in order not to damage the skin andmaskswith vegetablesIn short, this application is all you need to take care ofyourbeauty.- Recipes natural skin whitening- Wasafat tajmil recipes beauty- Recipes facial whitening naturally- Recipes Dr. Jamal Sicilians- Recipes normal to remove acne- Wasafat maghribia sahla sans net- Recipes for natural face Moroccan- Oily Skin Care
لو خيروك العربي 10.0.6
لعبة لو خيروك الأصلية بدون أنترنيت هيلعبةممتعة يمكن ان تلعبها مع العائلة ،لو خيروك الأصلية بدون أنترنيت تطبيق سهل يحتوي على مجموعةمنالاختيارات المتنوعة و الشيقة و الطريفة و المقززة و المخيفةبالاضافةالى انه مجاني و بدون انترنت لا تحتاج الى اي اتصال انترنتلتستمتع معاصدقائك بهده اللعبة الجمبلة ليس كباقي الالعاب التي تحتاجالى انترنتصروري للعب ,لو خيروك تطبيق سهل يحتوي على مجموعة من الاختيارات المتنوعة والشيقةو الطريفة و المقززة و المخيفةلعبة لو خيروك بالعربي هي لعبة أسئلة تحتوي على مجموعة اختياراتحيثيجب عليك أن تقرر بين اجابتين وأن تكتشف طريقة تفكيرك هل هي مثلقرارأغلبية الناس الذين أجابو على نفس السؤال أم أنك تفكر بطريقةفريدة.أسئلة اللعبة محيرة و مناسبة للصغار و الكبار ، تحدى ذكائك وأفكاركمن خلال مواجهة أسئلة ممتعة و مثيرة تتحداك في اتخاذقراراتك.-وهذه اللعبة تشبه لعبة جلسة ولعبة هجولة ولعبة وصلة وبعضالألعابالجميلة والمشهورةتحتوي هذه اللعبة على أسئلة مضحكة وغريبة لكنها جد مسلية ومرفهةعنالنفس.المرجو ترك تعليقاتكم حول اللعبة و انتقاداتكم و المشاكلالتيواجهتموها و اي شيئ يفيد في تحسين اللعبة وشكرلا تنسوا دعمنا بخمس نجوم. وفقنا وإياكم الله جل وعلا.- لعبة تسلية و ترفيههذه اللعبة تشبه:-وصلة-جلسة- هجولة- تحدي ركز معي-law khayarok-jalssa-wasla-hojolaGame if the originalJerkwithout access to the Internet is a fun game that can beplayedwith the family,Le Jerk original without access to the Internet easyapplicationcontains a variety of choices and interesting and funnyanddisgusting and frightening as well as it's free, and withouttheInternet does not need any Internet connection to enjoy withyourfriends Bhdh game Aljmpelh is not like other games thatrequireInternet Srory to play,Le Jerk easy application contains a variety of choicesandinteresting and funny and disgusting and frighteningGame Jerk if Arabic is a game of questions contain the choicesagroup where you have to decide between two answers, anddiscoveryour way of thinking is it like the majority of people whoOjabodecision on the same question or do you think should be in auniqueway. The game Perplexing questions and suitable for kidsandadults, your intelligence and your ideas challenged byconfrontingquestions enjoyable and exciting challenges you inyourdecisions.-ohzh Game look like a session and a game and a game Hjulh linkandsome beautiful games and the famousThis game has a funny and strange questions but veryentertainingand luxurious self.Please leave your comments about the game and the criticismsandproblems encountered and anything useful in improving the gameandthankedDo not forget to support a five-star hotel. Help us and BewareofGod Almighty.- Game EntertainmentThis game is similar:-connection-session- Hjulh- Challenge me focused-law khayarok-jalssa-wasla-hojola
Dino World Online 😃 2.1
carnivore Run is the best free racing whereyoucan run with your omnivore friends,Collect food, and make the best score!dinosaur fighting, file and test your reflexes,in the dinosaurgamewith your flash strategy and your speed of reaction in thisintenseand FREE racing ! By guiding dinosaur videos in hisadventure ,inthe dinosaur game or names of dinosaur you will comeacrossvaluable pieces that will allow omnivore you to acquirepowerfulequipment and unique accelerations in : thus giving ourdinosaurwhat it needs tocarnivore for kids or dinosaur fighting to explore, wonderfulofsuper-sized in the dinosaur game or names ofdinosaur.dinosaurvideos This interactive and unique game, giveschildren theopportunity to learn more about their favorite omnivorewith , aswell as the environment in which they live. Throughcolorfulanimation and interactive pages of or , offering children'sdiverseconcepts such as the environment in which the lived.150 million years ago the world was dominated by powerfulgiantcreatures or names of dinosaur: the like dinosaur fightingwith .The Golden Age of dinosaur videos through a great seriesofcataclysms that changed the surface of the planet forever.Survivalbecame a perilous quest. With natural disasters wreakinghavoc,chaos has taken over and the fight to become the toppredatorbegins as . As a new addition to the Battle of Giantsfranchise,Battle of Giants like : carnivore Strike pushes thethrill tobigger heights by immersing the player in a Jurassicworld! Chooseyour dinosaur, evolve, survive, and fight! Above all,dominate bothNature and to restore balance and stop the extinction!
Fastest Clean : Clan 1.1
Power Clean & Clan Master, effective,fast,and tiny, is an Android optimizer with great popularity amongourusers. It is designed for you to boost the speed of yourphone,clean junk files from your device and help to reclaim thestorageby master cleaner, and help you manage your App. By usingPowerClean & Clan Master, you can kill tasks to boost yourRAM,clean cache to free your storage, make clear on your phone,manageyour Apps and apk packages with one-click. All the functionsare inthis FREE optimizer clean App.ONE CLICK, ALL CLEAR!In power clean & clan master we have Battery Saver ,theprofessional power manager , is the best free battery savingappwhich is capable of extending your battery life. And packagesizeis the smallest of all battery manager apps.The UI of Batteryis assimple as possible, but tremendously practical.We willworkconstantly to improve Battery, adding in the very near futurenewfeatures, like useful battery information, battery saver tips,newwidgets, and many more.Highlights of Fast Cleaner – RAM Boost&Clean:1.Accurate: We have gathered great numbers of Apps and FastCleanercan find where the caches are, and with one click, allcacheclear.2.Tiny and compact: Apk package extremely controlled only 1MBwithFull-featured. As a tool App, Fast Cleaner occupies less RAMandstorage.3.Popular: Fast Cleaner is loved by our users by its greatclearfunction. Since Fast Cleaner released on Android market,FastCleaner stands firmly in every users' devices and clears junkfilesand boost RAM everyday.Fast Cleaner - RAM Boost&Clean★ RAM BoostBy killing useless tasks, boosting your phone and RAM, make roomformemory (RAM). Our powerful boost engine can speed-up androiddevicesby 30%.★ Junk Files and Cache cleanOur abundant Junk database contains thousands of Apps. Byremovingcache and residual files that can reclaim storage, boostRAM andimprove the performance of your device. Let your phoneclearagain.★ App managementNo longer troubling by deleting or removing your large numberofyour Apps, Fast Cleaner helps you locate your Apps exactlyandmanage or remove Apps.★ System detail★ This fancy app combines all the erase and clean features inasingle app to clean the rubbish content of your Android phoneaswell as monitoring system resources usage, plus, it also offersyouthe best UI to delete unwanted messages and call log accordingtoyour selection.Power Clean & Clan Master calculates CPU, battery andRAMinformation. You can recognize the system information fromFastCleaner and figure out if there is something wrong ofyourdevices.FEATURES Power Clean & Clan Master:▶ Clean Phone▶ Battery Saver▶ App Manager▶ Beautiful Design▶ Turn off Background Service▶ Intelligent analysis▶ Junk File Cleaning▶ Memory Boost▶ Free up internal storage android and app cache clear
Sakura Keyboard Blossom 2.2
Sakura Keyboard blossom - Want to havecherryblossom keyboard with beautiful sakura keyboard of pinkflowers inblossom ? cherry keyboard color keyboard Sakura KeyboardblossomGet this cute bunny cherry blossom keyboard theme for yourspringsakura keyboard free.This is cute bunny pink flower keyboard theme for whoeverlovecherry flower or sakura flower with cute bunny . Cute bunnycherryblossom keyboard can help you text with cool emoji andcherry snow keyboard effect free emoji symbols . Bunny andpinkflower keyboard to turn system keyboard into a springsakurakeypad. Sakura Keyboard blossom color keyboard keypadappWant to have a sakura trip to Japan in 2017 spring tour ?emojisymbols Get this pink sakura keyboard theme now free with cutepinkbunny . cherry keyboard Sakura Keyboard blossom colorkeyboardsakura flowerYou do not have to go to Japan to witness a sakura festivalemojisymbols - our cherry blossom keyboard brings the magic ofspringkeypad app season to your screen along with the sweetestexplosionof delicatecherry blossoms. Pick from the best nature and sakura picturesthatcherry keyboard can be your new keyboard pictures and explorethenatural beauty while you gaze at sakura flowers flying in thebluesky. Sakura Keyboard blossomEach time you send SMS messages, a gorgeous “cherry tree”canbeautify emoji symbols the process of texting and put aserenesmile on your face. Sakura Keyboard blossom colorkeyboardSwitch the sakura keyboard color from white to pink bychoosingemoji symbols either white flowers or pink flowers keypadapp andexperience serenity instantly. Sakura Keyboard blossomcolorkeyboardIf this Japanese flower, cherry keyboard a metaphor fortheevanescent emoji symbols nature of life keypad app, isyourfavorite flower, you should definitely try out “ultimatekeyboardskins” app! Celebrate the beauty of thisflower and get a chance to relax and enjoy the beautiful view!Gothrough rich collection of gentle flower keypad themes and feelthedomination of rose, Sakura Keyboard blossom color keyboardlilac and white shades! cherry keyboard Set the typing soundeffectsand fulfill emoji symbols the atmosphere with relaxingJapanesemelodies! Sakura Keyboard blossom color keyboard keypadappEmoji Keyboard is a free, cherry keyboard smart and colorfulEmojiKeyboard for Android that help you to fast input over 3000emoji,emoticons, smiley, sticker and text face convenientlyeverywherecolor keyboardincluding message, text, email and chat with social appemojisymbolsetc. It’s the best Emoji Keyboard for Android with over300beautiful themes, keypad app smart gesture type and autocorrect,fast input, Sakura Keyboard blossomtop row for inputting numbers or emoji, cherry keyboardhighly customization with color, layout, font and over 55languagessupport. emoji symbols Also includes copy, cut, keypad apppasteand arrow keys along with Clipboard for fast copy and paste.SakuraKeyboard blossomA branch of perfect sakura pink flowers are also present ontheselected part of the highlight wheel, keypad app they are heretowelcome you to the nicest season, the season of rebirth.SakuraKeyboard blossomEnjoy some time under a sakura tree, if you cannot, at leastimagineyourself on a trip to Japan and in a garden full of sakuracherrypink trees that are all with white and pink flowers,the most delicate pink flowers in that garden.Remember to share with your friends that want to see one of thebestthings in spring that Japan has to offer. keypad app colorkeyboardemoji symbols sakura flowerIf you are bored with your old keypad and want to makeyoursamrtphone or tablet go romantic, keypad app Sakura KeyboardwithEmoticons is the best choice. color keyboardLovely blue mixed with sakura bloom makes this “emoticonkeyboard”irresistible! Share the sakura spirit with your friends,show themhow you can add smiley emoticons
صلاتك Salatuk Prayer time 2.0
صلاتك Salatuk Prayer time - Qibla directionAnelegant and accurate App for getting prayer timings andQibladirection, no matter where you are. Its stylish yet easyandconvenient interface is designed to make sure that you arekeptupdated with the pray times. The Salatuk algorithm supports alargePrayer calculation methods adopted by many Muslimcountries.Depending on your location, the application choose theappropriatecalculation method, Fiqhi school and Adhan. However, ifyou want,you can also change the prayer method manually in the"Settings"tab.For an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPS areenabled! BestIslamic tool for every Muslim to follow his dailySolat (namaz) inhome or Masjid and make Doaa for us.Application Features:- Prayer is a companion application to keep your prayers- This application can teach you the prayer timesendowmentendowed- The next prayer time is highlighted to easily alert &catchthe next prayer صلاتك salatuk endowment Qibla direction- Current time and remaining time for the next prayer ismentionedto help you prepare for the prayer in time endowment- Your prayers and mosques salatuk prayer time endowmentQibladirection- As well as determine the direction of the Qiblaصلاتكsalatuk- Salat time of Fajr, Shrook, Zuhr, Asr, Magrib and Ishasalatukprayer time Qibla direction- Easy to use interface salatuk prayer time endowment endowed- Easily turn Adhan alarm On/Off for any Salah with a singletouchsalatuk prayer time- Can select the Madhab in Islam (Hanafi, Shafi, Malki orHanbali)endowment endowed prayer times- Time adjustments according to your local locations صلاتكsalatukendowed Qibla direction prayer timesvoices of muezzinAthan Mosque in MeccaAthan Abdul BasitAthan Essam ears BukhariAdhan AlgeriaAthan Omar AgazzabriAthan Rajhi MosqueAthan Mahmoud KhalilAthan Mohammed Ali al-Bannaazan for Libya or Qatarazan Naif Salehazan 3in She'shazan mequeazan Mekkahazan abu dabiadhan DubaiAdhan NasserAdhan Ahmed Al EmadiAzan call to pray Al-Aqsa Mosque .prayerprayer timeadhansalah timeبرنامج الاذانsalatela salatyazan timeتطبيق أذان الصلاة- Salat précises et exacte- Affiche les heures de al Fajr, Sunrise, a Dhuhr, al Asr,alMaghribet al Isha.Heure de prières : Qibla , Adhan- Alerte a chaque prière et la possibilité de choisir l'Adhan- possibilité d'activer le passage automatique enmodesilencieux,- Une boussole pour la Qibla.- Quran karim- Table d'horairesSalaat FirstAdan marocAdhan marocAdanAdhanPrayer timesAthan prayerAthan pro muslimMy prayerMa prièremuslim prayer wordscall to prayerAdhan Azan salat prayer time application contains a call toprayer,with beautiful muezzin voice in the muslim mosque or masjedit'squite different from country to the otherfor example Athan from Makkah is antithetic and all muslims likeitand azan germany from medina also, there is Morrocan azan andAdanMecca There are also prayer in Egypt,adhan recites the Takbir God is great followed by the ShahadaMishary Rashed AlafasyIbrahim Al Arkaniصلاتك salatuksalatuk prayer timeendowmentendowedprayer timesqibla directionThe salatuk algorithm supports a large prayer calculationmethodsadopted صلاتك salatuk by many muslim countries. Depending onyourlocation, the application choose the appropriatecalculationmethod, fiqhi school and adhan. However, if you want, you canalsochange the prayer method manually in the "settings" tabصلاتكsalatuk.For an accurate localization, please ensure that yourlocationsettings and your Internet connection or your GPS areenabled! bestislamic tool for every muslim to followhis daily solat (namaz) in home or masjid.
Picture Frames Picmix 📷 2
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